Collaborative. Creative. Catalyst.
Through Stolle Creative, Bethany Stolle helps organizations create products and services grounded in understanding and empathy for users, while still accounting for business needs and constraints. She has trained and coached teams new to design, conducted research as an independent consultant, built products alongside an Agile development team, and helped service teams define new ways of operating. If you are looking for an experienced design generalist to lead your project, set up a call.
User Research
Elegant products and services don’t matter if they’re aimed at the wrong target. From understanding and defining a problem space to testing proposed concepts or existing designs, I have extensive experience in leading research projects to transform empathy for users into actionable insights and strategic plans.
Idea Prototyping & Testing
“I have an idea. Now what?” I’ve worked with a number of teams to build prototypes, test them, and synthesize feedback, and determine next steps. By testing out the most critical aspects of an idea, organizations can speed up their R&D process, reduce risk, and increase confidence in how to implement big ideas.
Design Training & Facilitation
Harness the power of design thinking in your own organization. From ways to develop empathy for users, to defining problems, to ideating solutions, to prototyping and testing concepts, I can equip your team with tools and skills from the world of design to create grounded, impactful products and services.
Testimonial quote about Stolle Creative / Bethany…
— Name
Bethany Stolle has worked with institutions across a variety of industries and knows how to translate the core concepts and practices of design to deliver great experiences for end users—and organizations! Learn more about